Maher Albitar


Dr. Albitar has extensive experience in anatomic/clinical pathology, hematopathology, and molecular pathology. He also has extensive business and administrative experience as an executive leader of large laboratories, Board member, and director of large scientific and genomic diagnostic studies. Until recently, Dr. Albitar was the Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer and Director of Research and Development at NeoGenomics.


Dr. Maher Albitar is the founder and CEO of Genomic Testing Cooperative, LCA. Dr. Albitar has extensive experience in anatomic/clinical pathology, hematopathology and molecular pathology. He also has extensive business and administrative experience as an executive leader of large laboratories, Board member, and director of large scientific and genomic diagnostic studies.

Educational Background

Dr. Albitar has published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, and review articles. He is the lead inventor on more than 50 different patents and patent applications

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